Sunday, June 19, 2011

pleasant surprise

Today is Daddy's day, and I texted my popz to see if he wanted to hang out. It's weird bc I always have to initiate hanging out with that crazy man llol otherwise I can go 6 months to a year without seeing him (I've gone longer) but he's my dad and even though he's not around a lot I still love him a lot. I think at heart most women who have dads who are semi-present are Daddy's girls, and I consider myself that, though most of my life I've struggled with resenting him for his absence. Thank the Lord for the change that He brought into my life, two years ago I finally let go of all that anger and am able to be sweet to my Dad and our relationship is a lot better.

My dad texted me back and said "I suppose you wanna eat where Kevin works." I was like DUH. lol so we met up at BJ's and we saw Kev there and they shook hands and did what men do haha weirdos the last time i saw my dad was last month and that was when we told him kevin proposed, and a month before that when I sneakily told dad I craved BJ's but it was really so he could meet Kevin hahaaha no more running away, old man! We met up at BJ's and my dad started talking about he was researching places for my wedding reception and how he would cover most of it, and that he wanted it to be nice. i was like JIGGGGGA SAYYY WHAAAAAAAAAAAT??? Kev walked by and was ecstatic too, bc we both didn't expect my dad to be involved at all. My dad said (and this is the censored version, he is actually very crude and it's kinda amusing watching Kevin's awkward facial reactions to all his inappropriate jokes) "You know, I may be a jerk, but she's my only daughter." Kev and I already know the church we're gonna get married in, it's his uncle's church in El Segundo where he pastors. And Kev and I just thought we would rent some banquet hall and have the women make filipino food in our church (we already talked to Pastor Felix about that, since that's the way it was for Ann and Jason's wedding). I really expected something super simple, and it kinda made me sad bc my mom was REALLY sad about it. You know moms, they're all crazy and live vicariously through their daughters and want the best weddings lol so I felt bad for her, bc I dont care if I have a simple wedding. I can get married in a $20 dress from Forever 21 and be happy with eating at In-N-Out afterward, but I was also bothered bc obviously my mom cares about how the wedding will appear to her friends/coworkers/family and friends on Facebook from the know some maaaaaaaaajor CHISMIS will be happenin' lol but yeah, I told my dad that i was really happy he wanted to be involved! I was actually afraid he wouldn't come to the wedding. He was like "Ugh, I dont wanna go to your Christian ceremony stuff. I'll show up to the reception." and i was like "SORRY POPZ. you gotta walk me down the aisle remember?" and he rolled his eyes and continued talking about all his girlfriends and drama. Crazy old man!

Kevin started happily thanking my dad and was like "Oh man, I'm so happy I feel like calling you 'Daddy' right now!" and my dad was like "I'm not ready for that yet man" and we all started laughing hahaha

My family stresses me out a lot, but it's times like these where you see all the love and care that make me thankful. God's been so good in saving me and really just healing me from the past, and I hope that God saves all of them, especially my dad. I really love my dad. I know he loves me too, even though it's a weird kind of love lol

MAN o Man am I ready to get married! God is so good.

I've got another HESI coming up this week. Please pray for me. I just wanna pass this term and enter into the next last term of the program. YIPEEE!!!! Lots of studying but it's been a great year and I'm so happy. Praise God.

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