Thursday, June 9, 2011

a HUMONGOUS sigh of relief

After praying and praying and praying and freaking out (haha) and studying for hours and hours and then having tons of friends pray for me, I passed my first HESI of the term today with a 74.9% (the passing is 75%)!!!!!! I passed RIGHT ON THE DOT!!! I cried and hugged the teacher hahahha I sound like such a wuss, but that's okay. I drove home and saw Darrel (I texted him and a buncha other buddy buds who prayed for me right after I passed and we praised God together!) and we were laughing bc I told him that I had never studied for anything as hard I studied for nursing school. After 4 years of high school, and 4 years at a's not even close! And an LVN isn't even an associates degree, it's certification, so I can honestly say that I did not expect it to be this hard!!! MAN.

God is so good, I have never passed a HESI before. I had two HESI's the last two terms and failed them, and it never mattered to me because it was only a small percentage of my grade. But this term, the school changed the policy so that there would be 3 HESI's during my third term and it would be 40% (first HESI 15%, second HESI 15%, and last one is 10%) of my whole grade! I have two more to go, but I'm relieved because 15% of my grade is already taken care of. The worse that could happen if I still end up failing the term is that I would need to repeat the term, and possibly push back the wedding until after I finish. It's really nice too because I I just took a lot of time to prepare my heart that even if I was let down, to be grounded that God is good and He is faithful and His will would be done.....I've been on this plan to read through the Bible from beginning to end, and I'm in 2 Kings, and unfortunately I haven't been faithful to reading every day bc of nursing school. It's actually been a really tough 8 months because of distractions and busyness, but I'm trying to get back on track and am just thankful that God is faithful and teaching me new things everyday.

PRAISE GOD! I am so happy and relieved. 2 more HESI's to go. Please continue praying for me, I'm still gonna be studying for tons of hours to pass again. I am not naturally gifted at passing these tough tests (Darrel is, that PUNK) hahaha but yeah. It's really tough for me. I'm not a natural critical health care thinker! but anyway, God is good! PEACE OUT HOMESLICES.

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