Monday, August 15, 2011

Uncle John & Auntie Susie

It's only a few more months before Kevin and I are gonna get married, thank God! Everyone keeps asking me how wedding planning is going and all I can say is: non-existent lol it's the least of my concerns, I'm more involved with schooling and ministry, and am looking for a job, but what I am happy about is we're consistently going to pre-marital counseling with Uncle John and Auntie Susie. Uncle John is Kevin's uncle and also a pastor of a church in El Segundo. Auntie Susie is his wife, and also Kevin's dad's sister. Uncle John is going to be the one marrying us this upcoming February/March 2012.

In an attempt to dodge studying for a HESI tomorrow because I'm burnt out from studying for a Neuro test I took today (praise the Lord I passed! Almost half the class failed it, man it was hard!) I'm going to spend the next few minutes talking about stuff that makes me happy haha then I'll go back to studying blehhhh....

One of the funny things about Uncle John and Auntie Susie is that I heard about them even before me and Kev got together. Back last summer when Kevin and I would hang out, I would tell Kevin about how I desired to be a pastor's wife (oh, how things have changed...I really, honestly do NOT think I have the qualities to be one, praise God for those women who have that strength and virtues! A pastor's wife is called to be and do much) and he would say "Oh you would be a great pastor's wife, you remind me of my Auntie Susie, who's the wife of my Uncle John." and he told me about how Auntie Susie is like, the most social woman and anyone who steps into a church will feel loved and welcomed and part of the family. And then Kevin proceeded to tell me about how he never wanted to get married because he saw no benefit in it, lol, but then he said how he aspired to be like Uncle John, that if he were ever to get married ever since he was a young kid he would want Uncle John to marry him and his future wife. Uncle John is a beast in theology too, Kevin said that the two people whom he holds highest in theological stature is Pastor Felix and Uncle John. Uncle John attended Fuller Seminary (back when it was conservative, and Kevin jokes that John Piper was his classmate..but they actually probably were, Kevin has yet to ask) and then he went to Westminster Theological Seminary (and Kevin explained to me how this is Old Princetonian...because Princeton used to be a Christian conservative school but then it became liberal and so the conservatives separated and branched out to keep the roots alive in Westminster, that's why you hear about the "Princeton theologians") but the cool thing about Uncle John is despite all of his amazing knowledge, he is so humble and loving and MAN I don't think I've ever heard anyone talk like him, he is like a man out of an English movie lol He talks so lovingly about and to his wife, they are so in love and it's just so hard to miss. And he says things so poetic, like, instead of saying "Hey we are running out of time we will continue later" he says "We are just going to have to put a bookmark in this chapter of our conversation..." LOL WHO SAYS THAT?!?! hahahhaa I love them so much! I can't wait to continue learning from both of them. Uncle John teaches us a curriculum he made, but Auntie Susie will sometimes joins us to sit in and it's nice to have her wonderful feminine presence. The last two times we went she had to be shopping for food the homeless people coming and the children (talk about a Proverbs 31 woman!) so she couldn't be with us :( But Kevin and I had a date and watched her perform at a fundraising concert because she sings in a Chorus group. Auntie Susie and Uncle John are in their 50's and are also very tall. Kevin and I talk about how Auntie Susie has such a mothering presence, that every time I see her I just wanna rest on her bosom lol

Anyways, I'm going on and on and on about how amazing this couple is, and I can keep going but I choose to stop. I'm going to make a separate entry about what we learned this last time we met.

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