Tuesday, August 23, 2011

"i'm too busy not to pray"

my body is so tired!!!! ahhhhhhhh!!!! and then there's camp this weekend. i hope i don't get sick (i already feel kinda funkayyy) noooo!!! Lord keep me healthy lol

but anywho, God is really good. one of the nicest ways to start out my day is to pray on the way to school. and this is usually the order in which i pray:

1. thanking God (what can u NOT thank him for?!?!) for waking up, for being who He is, for having me alive and healthy, for salvation in Jesus....
2. confessing my sins (always! man i am far beyond perfect. thank God for Christ's righteousness being given to me :)
3. praying for my family's salvation, like my mom and dad and big big butt and billy (ate rona totally called me out on dishonoring my parents, it's really difficult for me when they don't have the same beliefs and completely different moral standards....but if i am in the Spirit and they are not, why aren't i heartbroken and mourning? i told ate rona that sometimes it's just draining and too sad, that i'd rather ignore it, but she's right. it's so easy to "wish my family was different' when really i'm the one who needs to change! God help me. it's also strangely easier for me to be nicer to my dad even though he's let us down more than my mom. i guess cuz my mom's always been there...)
4. praying for my love (for kevin's energy bc he works 60+ hrs, poor thing! for his spiritual walk, for our relationship to be holy and pleasing to God, for our future family and children, for our finances (kevin's 2nd job is still temporary, and i have a lot of loans to pay off so hopefully i get a job asap after i graduate and pass everything i need to) ahhh i love praying for Kevin! HE MAKES ME SO HAPPY! praise God. i still can't believe God gave him to me :)
5. praying for church family (pastor/pastors in training)/married couples (MANG divorce is prevalent! we need protection!!!) my discipler, those i disciple
6. praying for girllll friends/some guy friends haha ;) this takes a while. i'm not going to list them haha
7. praying for school and being a good witness and passing everything

and then i just kinda chat a little with God after that. if i don't have a set routine i usually forget what i wanna pray about so this is helping out a bit, though of course i can always pray more deeply! it's tough to stay focused on God. 20 minutes in a car isn't really enough when one thinks about it.

1 comment:

  1. LEIGH ANNNN I love this! You are so encouraging & I always wanna comment on your blog posts but I never do, I dunno why. I promise I read every single word! Praying on the way to school is totally my kinda thing too, & sometimes even walking to classes, especially now since I'm at a new school & have no friends LOL. So glad to have Christ! My longest prayers are right before bed though... & sometimes when I can't sleep, I'll just keep praying for different people/things. AH I LOVE PRAYER! I've been more appreciative of it lately... We've totally failed God, yet He gave His Son (& CHOSE US) as a sacrifice so that we can come to Him directly! & pray! & not only that, but Christ AND the Spirit intercede for us. So awesome. Seriously, where would we be without God, right? WOOO long comment. I hope we get to hang out soon! <3
