Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Proverbs 27:17 says...

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another." Amen!

So Jamie has been a huge encouragement to me throughout our whole 5 years of friendship, and I can't thank God enough for a best friend as godly and beautiful (inside and out) as her. Really, I am so blessed by her.

She's so sweet and funny! Here's one of the ways she's exhorted/rebuked me recently, regarding sin and holiness:

Jamie: Read Romans about living in the flesh and Matthew when Jesus talks about stumbling other believers
girl, Jesus is gonna put a heavy necklace on you and drown you in the ocean if you continue with the stumbling!
lol im totally misquoting right now
but it's in matthew i think
Me: WHAT!!! LOL! i love your misquoting. it's funny but i know it's true....I don't want that necklace around my neck girl!
Jamie: well that's how much Jesus hates sin and how we as believers should too
remember, he'd rather have our limbs cut off then go to hell

I honestly believe a lot of friends are too caught up in offending one another, rather than caring for the state of their soul with Jesus. I praise God that I have a best friend who calls me out, in a blunt yet silly (if that's even possible...i'm pretty sure only Jamie can pull it off ) kinda way. When I am even straying just slightly, thank God she's there to help me by pointing me to Christ. God is so good, giving us fellow believers. It's amazing to think that the same Holy Spirit which dwells within me, is also within her. We're united because of our common ground in Christ.

Praise God!

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