Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I asked my dad what he wanted to dance to for our father daughter dance, and he goes, "Oh, we'll dance to that Titanic theme song by Celine Dion!" and I was like "WHAT!!! WHY?????" and then he goes "Just kidding! Actually I know...what's that song from the big black man?" And I go, "Luther Vandross? Dance with my Father?" "Yeah! That one!" And I go, "Dad...that song is about a dad who passes away." And he goes, "GOOD. I'll die in the middle of dancing with you! I hope I have a heart attack!" And then he laughed hysterically....

He also plans on having all his friends cheer really loudly when the DJ does the Bridal Party introduction of him and my mom at the reception, and that he wants them to be completely silent once me and Kevin are called in. And I laughed at him, "Dad, you underestimate how loud my church is...and my college buds!" And he rolled his eyes.

Joshua is laughing throughout all of this and goes, "Leigh! This is really important. You want Kevin and the guys to look good right? We need to have Gucci suits."

I'm glad the family men in my life have their priorities straight haha

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