Tuesday, November 1, 2011

prank of the year

So in the last post I wrote, which was like an hour ago, I mentioned how Kevin's first day of school at Masters College was today (he's studying to get his Bachelors in Christian Ministries) Kev called me when he got out, and guess who else was in his class....

ZACH HOLTER!?!?!?!?!!??!?!??!?!?!?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kev said as he approached the class he saw Zach sitting in one of the seats, but since he sees Zach almost all the time in every other aspect of his life, he brushed it off. But then he was like, "WAIT...WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE MAN???" Apparently Zach was waiting for weeks to surprise and prank Kevin, also signing up for registration last minute! These guys...

That's a pretty good prank. I wonder what Kevin will do to get him back....hahahhaha I'm so happy they're together again! They were always hanging out before I came in and Kevin had to become serious and work 2 jobs, bla bla bla bla...lol Anyways, I'm really encouraged they're going to be in school together!

Sweet November

I can't believe it's the first day of November already! My goodness, time flies. So many new things have happened! Here's some bullet points to help make the entry I'm posting look more spiffy:

  • I haven't had my car for the past 2 weeks because the engine busted. I also have a problem with the transmission :-/ So Jamie (my bff) and Kevin (my boo ;) and Angelica (nursing classmate/Korean popstar lover) have been driving me around everywhere. I'm so blessed to have such serving friends! They always say you never know what you got until it's gone, and MAN it was difficult not having one. The car was repaired yesterday and I'm so thankful to be able to drive around again (to get to school, to drive my auntie to the hospital to take care of my grandpa every day, and to get to work...)
  • Praise the Lord! I was given two part-time jobs. One as a tutor for an elementary school (which would be great training for my future as a mother) and also a caregiver (also great training for motherhoood lol). I will work 8 hours as a tutor each week, and 12 hours as a caregiver (this varies...) so about 20 hours a week of work. But it's so nice to have an income, seeing as I'll be a married woman in 4 MONTHS!!! AHHH!!! Also, who knows how long it will be before I find a job as an LVN?
  • PRAISE THE LORD EVEN MORE! Kevin is now a student at the Master's College in Santa Clarita! He started the same day as Alejo (AKA TODAY!). They have class once a week on Tuesday evenings. They are both in the Degree Completion program (there are 3 requirements to be in this program: 1) you must be 25 years old, 2) you must be married and 3) you must work full-time...did you notice that Kevin only has one of these requirements down? LOL. they are so gracious to allow him to start asap!) On every other Tuesday we have Excellent Wives Ministry for church, but on the Tuesdays there aren't, I can accompany him and hang around with Bethany! The coolest part about this is that they like to encourage and support marriage so spouses can take the class too! I'm so stoked! Kevin put in his two week's notice last week so he's back in school and getting ready for the long nights of homework, reports, and readings!
  • God has really convicted me of my sin of lack of contentment. This whole past year I've wasted countless opportunities to be a light to my classmates and family, because of my grumbling and complaining about whatever wasn't happening my way. I've been so bogged down by my family and by scary teachers, and wish I had handled it better. I've been praying more for contentment in the Lord regardless of circumstances (the Apostle Paul learned to be content in whatever circumstances he was in: Philippians 4:11-12). I have to pray every day to be joyful, and to not be easily angered if my family does something that hurts my feelings. It's really tough. God is humbling me and showing me more and more how much of a sinner I am, in need of His grace and power to be more like Him. The scary thing is...everything that comes out of my mouth is from my heart. My complaining and bitter thoughts are all stemmed from my heart, that's why it says "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flows the springs of life." (Proverbs 4:23).
  • Ate Rona told me a while ago to start reading books on how to raise children. I told her that I didn't want to lol. The reason? Well, the last year and a half before Kevin pursued me I always read books on becoming a woman who pleases God and a godly wife and read about gender roles. God was preparing me to be a wife, sooner than I thought! I told her that if i start reading I'm afraid I'd become a parent sooner than I hoped HAHAHA she told me I was being ridiculous, which of course, was the truth! Today I was looking at Parenting magazines and was really happy reading them. Kevin and I don't want to have kids anytime soon after the wedding day, we wanna wait at least 5 years. But who knows? God might have other plans (such as: BOOM baby is out right away, or YOU WILL NEVER HAVE BABIES EVERRRR!!) man...if I was barren I'd be so sad! But if that was God's will for me, what could be better?
  • I'm still in school and studying for NCLEX. I have prep classes twice a week (Wednesdays and Fridays). Hopefully I can take my NCLEX by December. It might end up being January or February though. We'll see. I'm actually blogging because I don't wanna study! But after I'm done I'll have to study some more T__T
  • Wedding planning is still really slow but I'm glad to know we have a venue for the wedding and reception. I had to switch it up with some bridesmaids because my family wants my cousins to be part of the bridal party, so I'm thankful my friends are lenient and not taking personal offense at the changes. I went from 8 bridesmaids to 5 or 6. It really all depends. Half are good friends, and half are cousins. We'll see how this turns out. Kevin and I hope to have some invites out by the end of this month.
  • I like bulletpoints.
  • I don't like cilantro.

Okay, I guess it's time to study again. I hope everyone is blessed! I CAN'T BELIEVE 2011 IS ALMOST OVER!!! AHHHH!!! 2012 is just around the corner...who doesn't love new beginnings though? I'm so excited for 2012 :)