Sunday, December 26, 2010

do you hear what I hear?

My mommy got Kevin and me some new winter coats as Christmas presents! Woohoo! Check it out ------------>

Where did 2010 go? Merry Merry Merry Christmas!!!! I can't believe it's the day after Christmas already, it just reminds me that time passes by faster as I get older. I celebrated with my mom's side of the family and we went to a midnight candlelight service at Hollywood Presbyterian Church. Kevin's family invited us and it was so beautiful! I loved it there. I've only been to a few Christian churches since I was saved 4 years ago, so the whole church scene (contemporary, traditional...and this refers to worship to architectural styles) is still pretty new to me in some sense! My mom's side of the family went to Catholic Mass and we met back home afterwards to open presents (we open them midnight!)

The Christmas sermon was a sweet one. The pastor talked about how God came into a world of ruins because He loved us enough. Why would anyone want to come into a world like ours, filled with ruins and disease and hatred and strife and pain? He used the verses John 1:1, 15 "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God...The Word became flesh and dwelt among us." Many times I'm overwhelmed with God's love for me, and I still do not love Him the way He deserves, or commands me, or expects of me. It's still really tough because a lot of friends ask me, "Do you love God?" and I hesitate. Of course I do. But how do I explain the complexity of it? Love sounds so simple but it really isn't. How do I explain, "Yes, I do love God, but not nearly as much as He loves me and I don't give Him what He deserves, I don't surrender fully to Him my thoughts and my actions and my free time and it's still so difficult to involve Him in every aspect of my life. and YES. I do love Him, but I am only able to do so because He loved me first!" Usually people only want a yes or no answer lol oopsie poopsie!

Ever since I started nursing school, I've gotten busier and so much more tired. I miss my free time. I miss the summer, when I just got to spend the ENTIRE day reading the Bible and theology and spending time in fellowship. But I'm thankful for that time period, it was preparing me for now, when i have to get back to being busy and such. There are specific things I really want to study for: the Trinity and the deity of Christ, the Reformation (its leaders and Church History) and theological perspectives (Reformed, Charistmatic, Dispensationalism, etc.)...I actually just really want to finish my Systematic Theology book by Grudem but that will take forever. I have so many books I have yet to finish. They're collecting dust unfortunately. I'm not going to complain about how nursing takes up all my time though. I actually really love nursing and am thankful for enjoying it!

Praise God for sending His Son Jesus Christ who is fully human and fully God to die on a cross for my sins. We have a lot to be merry about on Christmas. Thank God for salvation.